Ugly page No. 7!
Song TitleOff What Record?Misinterpreted LyricActual LyricMisinterpreter
Possession (not the one by Danzig) Attention! Blah Blah Blah"Steve said, 'The refuge's cornered, all my possessions are busted.'" " Steve says, there's refuge in corners.  All my possessions in boxes.  Rob Shank?
The Palestinians are Not the Same Thing as the Rebel Alliance, JackassAttention! Blah Blah Blah"...admit it, you're just like the toting demented sheep mamas after all""...admit it, you just like posters of men with machine guns on your wall"Derek Norman from Arizona
Anarchy Means That I LitterRedefining Music"...anarchy beef may seem bitter""...anarchy means that I litter."Sara H. from Chesapeke, VA
Undercover FunnyRedefining Music"...Here's the time, more then words, play with yourself, talk to her.""...wake up time for Matt Werth. Pay our loan. Talk to Kurt."Josh Voland
PossessionHopelessly Devoted to You Vol. 4 Compilation"...My hands go verticle, my pants go verticle - its Jackson Pollock (we're talking litteral)."" head's gone vertical, my bed's gone vertical. It's not symbolic. We're talking literal."Josh Voland
Upside Down From HereRedefining Music" in my own little way is a place where the markets allow my own little plate."" is my arm, and it waves like a flag that reminds me that I have two arms and a map."Josh Voland
Atom and His Packageself titled CD"and in my arm there's a Judge Ito.""I'm always armed with a burrito."Stewie, Milky Way
Avenger1st CD"I just wanna be on this web page my name is Steve"""Avenger"Steve Lucas, York, PA
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of People..."well we'll import Tolkien jock and kick his Tolkien ass""We'll import a token jock and we will kick his token ass."Kristy
Books my dog, the box, Brian Sokel and me1st CD"Bounty, man it's quicker picker upper""...foxy man and the glitter picker upper..."Dan Hilton, Greensboro, NC visitor
Pumping Iron For EnyaMaking Love CD "Your thigh could cause surprise if you let it. I wrote you a love letter. Did you get it?""Your heart could fall for mine if you let it. I wrote you a love letter, did you get it? "Charlie from Springfield, MA
What We Do on ChristmasMaking Love CD "Billie joe went straight edge.""Billy Joel, (Let's trade him!)."Sarah from Wilbraham, MA
Jenny S.s/t CD "Did you know Mike Parsell used to read braille?""Did you know Mike Parsell used to be in Frail?"Mike M., Atlanta, GA
Atom and His Package1st CD "Where I want is where I go, I've got an arm like Dan Marino""Where I want is where I go, I'm always armed with a burrito."Shaun Denver, CO
Black Metal FriendsA Society of... "you look like a cadaver if cadavers had long hair""...look like Ink and Dagger, if Ink and Dagger had long hair"Jaime, New York
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of... "Chris Jensen's teaching science cause he's still burning mouse heads""Chris Jensen's teaching science and he's still running Mountain."Kim, Annandale, NY
Me and My Black Metal FriendsA Society of... "in the montains of nowhere, where the winter is cold, there nothing to do out kiss eath other and play cards in the snow""In the mountains of Norway, where the weather is cold, there's nothing to do except kill each other and play guitars in the snow."Leonardo, Brazil
Jenny S.A Society of..."She dresses like the home team and she does not give up, She thinks she's a fatass cuz she's now a bosom cup""She wrestles like the hulkster, no she does not give up. She thinks that she's a bad ass 'cause she now owns the zoo cup"Shoebox, Earth
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of..."Think about it, You'll agree she's a busy busy mom, hell she even got assf*cked on the day of senior prom""Think about it, you'll agree, it's the bizzity bizzity bomb, and maybe we'll get Assuck to play the senior prom"Jimmy, Earth
Atom and His Packages/t CD"...i cant fly, i cant dance, and i dont like getting pants-ed""I can't fly, I can't dance, and I don't like any bands"Julie Rifkin, Wilkes Barre, PA
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of..."... we'll get sick sick sick wile eating sno cones...""...we'll get six six six for our radio snow code ..."Alex, Pittsburgh, PA
Atom and His Package1st CD"... I am the only softest pooping shoe...""...I am the always often pooping Jew ..."Justin Bourgeois, Albany NY
Atom and His Package1st CD"... my mother's arm was a burrito...""...I'm always armed with a burrito ..."Justin Bourgeois, Albany NY
Snowshoe Barbeque1st CD"... playing with my roommate's boob...""...playing with my Rubik's boob ..."Karinsa
Happy Birthday RalphA Society of..."... so for your birthday i got you some hawiian pot on tap say pot so now you can stop borrowing my stuff and try your new moo moo out on me...""...So for your birthday, I got you some Hawaiian punch on tap (h.p.o.t), so now you can stop borrowing my stuff and trying your new kung fu moves out on me ..."Simon, Pittsburgh PA
Books my dog, the box, Brian Sokel and me1st CD" semen is a better picker upper""...foxy man and the glitter picker upper..."Max, Ivy League Student
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of..."... we'll get the guy from Bad Luck (13) 'cause he's so punk rock yeah!""...we fired the guy from Bad Religion because he sold punk rock out yeah..."Mike from Delaware
Atom and His Package1st CD"... listen up, I am Atom, I am a secret g man...""...listen up, I am Atom, the sequencing man.."Shaun Pants, Pittsfield MA
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of..."...and 666 was a radio at Sunoco...""...and 666 for our radio snow code."Daniel Pasinello, Albany NY
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of..."Well, import a toking jock and we'll kick his toking ass..."we'll import a token jock and we'll kick his token ass...Daniel Pasinello, Albany NY
The link on the main page of this siteThe link for this page"...see pages of some people who look like Atom and His Package""...see pages of some people who like Atom and His Package"Amy Cole, Richmond VA
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of..."I was chasing the mold in my bowl with a bee""I was fighting the mold in the bowl with my pee..."Amy Cole, Richmond VA
Avenger1st CD"Here's how it works, I used to pray to the god of Israel...""Here's How it works, I use the crane to pick up Israel, (and softly place it in Wyoming, where it thrives real well)"Chad W., Roswell, Georgia
Theme Song1st CD"I can't fly, I can't dance, and I don't like any pants""I can't fly, I can't dance, and I don't like any bands"Chad W., Roswell, Georgia
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of People Named Elihu CD"Maybe we could take some acid, to take to the senior prom!""Maybe we could get Assuck, to play the senior prom!"Sharky, Escondido, CA
Punk Rock AcademyA Society of People Named Elihu CD" I called Brian up with my planets red hot..."" I called Brian up with my plan that's red hot..."Nick Piogga, Longmeadow, MA
Mark Scott1st CD"...he's a masturbator, my mom would hate him...""...he's a masturbator, not an omelette hater..."Mike Duffy, Wilbraham, MA

Sid and Atom duet.

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